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10 Natural Remedies for Baby Gas Relief

10 Natural Remedies for Baby Gas Relief

Baby gas relief – natural remedies for baby tears!

Your newborn won’t stop crying. She’s obviously hurting.

Gas. It’s the bane of a newborn’s mama’s existence.

You can’t just sit around and do nothing though, which is why you’ve arrived here.

If you’re reading ahead and you’re not yet a mom, it may surprise you that one of your main jobs as a new mom is helping your baby pass gas. Does that sound crazy to you? It sure sounded crazy to me. 

Your baby has a new digestive system that’s just getting started. Once you add milk… things get gassy. 

Unfortunately, gas is painful for babies.

There are some natural methods that I’m about to tell you that you can use to help your baby with gas. I tried most of these with my little boy. He was very windy from birth. We eventually found out that he actually had silent reflux (as well as gas). Poor kid.

Anyway, here are some natural methods you can try for baby gas relief:

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1. Tummy Massage

The simplest way to help your baby with gas pains is to massage their belly. If you gently rub their tummy in a circular motion in the direction of the bowel it can help them pass gas. It’s a good idea to alternate massage with bicycle legs.

2. Bicycle legs

Another thing you can do is pump baby’s legs like they’re on a bicycle. Alternate rounds of bicycle legs with pushing their legs knees to chest. This was a particularly effective move for us… and you may be rewarded with little baby bottom toots. 

3. Gripe water or Infant’s Friend

There are many brands of herbal and homeopathic remedies for infant gas. The one I used was Infant’s Friend. I use this one because it came highly recommended. I also noticed that it contained about the same level of magnesium as in Gaviscon for infants. So, I figure it’d help with the reflux too. I can’t find the brand I used on Amazon, but this one comes very highly recommended. 

I didn’t notice too great an effect on wind for my little one, but that may have been because his issues were more reflux related than wind related.

4. Feeding upright

Feeding in an upright position can help prevent gas and reflux, also holding the baby upright after a feed for certain amount of time also helps make sure everything is down and stays down where it supposed to be.

5. Take a Warm bath

Taking a warm bath can help to soothe away gas pains. My little one enjoyed taking a bath, it helped him to relax. It may not have helped to pass the gas, but it relaxed him enough that he wasn’t in pain anymore.

6. Use a Baby carrier

Being held in a baby carrier can help your baby with gas. Babies like to be held and it gives them comfort.  Also, being in an upright position will help.

7. Learn to Burp Your Baby Effectively

If it’s not burped out, it has to go out the other way.

When I was pregnant I read that breastfed babies don’t need to be burped. After having a windy (breastfed) baby, I don’t think that’s correct.

There are several methods of burping. Find one that works for you. You can start with burping over your shoulder. As I remember reading somewhere, it’s much easier to get it out as a burp then when it goes down and has to come out the other way.

8. The Windi

I never tried this. But, there are such rave reviews on Amazon, I couldn’t NOT share it.

The Windi is like a small straw that you put into your babies bottom to manually help them fart and/or poop. I know, I know, you’re sceptical and maybe think it’s gross, unnecessary and a violation of your baby’s bodily autonomy. (Honestly, I do too.)

But people swear by it. (One reviewer has even sworn to name his next child ‘Windi’ it was so effective.)

I’ll leave it up to you and your paediatrician to decide whether this is an option for you.

You can grab The Windi here as part of the Baby Basics Kit, full of things you need for baby.

9. Breastfed, Pumping, or Formula Fed?

Neither breastfeeding nor formula feeding means you’re immune to gas pains.

If you’re breastfeeding, or pumping, you might consider if baby could be reacting to the foods you’ve eaten. Common windy foods include, well, everything that would normally make you windy including dairy and caffeine.

If you’re formula feeding, it could be that baby reacts to the brand of formula. Or for formula feeders and pumpers, you might want to try using different bottles, these ones are supposed to be good for gassy babies.

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10. Talk to Your Paediatrician

If you’re struggling with baby gas issues or colic, bring it up with your paediatrician. You can let them know what’s happening and what you’ve tried. 

They may have more ideas for you, or want to investigate further to make sure there’s nothing else going on.

What Worked for You?

If you try these methods, let me know which one/s worked for you. Good luck mama!Web Analytics