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Moms are made not born.

Becoming a mom is a HUGE life event. Everything shifts – your hormones, your body, your priorities…

It’s tough!

That’s why Making of Mom is here: to help women through that hectic and heady time as they go from mom-to-be to being mom. We dish advice, guides, practical tips, printables to keep you on track and throw down the baby knowledge like it’s a scene out of Oprah.

You get some juicy baby tips! You get some juicy baby tips!

Everyone gets some juicy baby tips!

But, who am I?

Glad you asked, my friend! Glad you asked.

My name’s Cate and I’m a mom of two gorgeous little boys under 5.

While I was pregnant with the first little one, I majorly geeked out over everything pregnancy and baby.

I breathlessly followed multiple pregnancy apps and awaited my update each week to tell me what type of fruit or vegetable my little dude-in-the-making was impersonating this week.

I watched all the pregnancy, birth, and baby videos.

All. of. them.

Multiple times.

I couldn’t get enough.

I’m not the only one though, right? (right?)

That’s why I started Making of Mom – to share all the juicy tips that helped me the most through my years of mommin’ it like a hot mess boss.

Now, let’s talk about you 🙂 You’re in the right place if you:

  • are super excited (and a little freaked out) by the huge life change you’re going through
  • are determined to do everything you can to be a great mom (you already are!!!)
  • want to keep your balance and find your mom self without losing what makes you, you.

You’re gonna be awesome and we’re here to help every step of the way.

Come and check out some of our reader favorite posts of helpful hacks for new moms:

You might also like to check out our ultimate buying guides for important pregnancy/baby products:

If you’re looking for ways to celebrate the holidays with a baby, check out these posts:

And we have a LOT of gift guides, so choosing the perfect gift for any occasion is easy!

If you’ve made it this far, you might even like to check out one of my favorite posts: How to Start a Mom Blog (That Makes Money)