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Candy Free Easter Basket Ideas for Baby

Candy Free Easter Basket Ideas for Baby
Need candy free Easter basket ideas? Here’s loads!

I’m not sure about you but when I had my first child I was determined that he would not have any sugar for as long as possible. I was one of those naïve moms who thought she was absolutely going to keep her baby so healthy and make homemade baby food and he would always choose fruit over candy…

Then my mom bought him a chocolate Easter egg. So yeah, that didn’t last as long as I would have hoped!

I guess I should be glad she didn’t do it for his first Easter. But since he was born on New Year’s day that would have been before he had started solids so it was a bit early…

These days I try to persuade her to do candy-free Easter gifts. She is pretty good but those chocolate eggs still somehow make it into the present!

For those of you who want to find choices that are not candy or sugar-laden for your baby’s Easter, I’ve put together some suggestions for an Easter basket or Easter gifts without candy. And I had a lot of fun looking at all the cute things that are out there!

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candy free easter basket ideas for baby (1)


So the first place to start is a basket. I loved these cute options that are reusable.


I also found a number of personalised ones, but these were my favourites. Mainly since I could imagine using them for other things once they get older and you want a named basket to keep their wonderful collections of random-stuff-small-kids-think-they-should-keep-forever.


Today in my daughter’s preschool no fewer than 3 random kids, some of whom I don’t even know their name, came to show me their super exciting collections of things that looked a bit like acorns. I’m not sure that they were since it seems the wrong season, but whatever they were, they were worth putting in their pockets. ALL their pockets. Kids are fantastic.



While I was looking for baskets, I also found some lovely all-in-one basket and toy sets. So I have included a couple for those people who just want to be done quick. These don’t look like you didn’t have time either! 😉


To fill the baskets

Now that you have the baskets, you need to find some Easter themed gifts to put in them. This really is the fun part!

I thought since the main two themes we have at Easter are the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs, those seemed to be good as my main search topics.

And look what I found!


My kids both had this rabbit as babies but it still seems to reappear to be played with even now. Gorgeously soft and snuggly, I highly recommend it!


I thought this teether was so cute. And totally works with the bunny theme!




This satisfies two of my son’s various obsessions: shapes and eggs. So this is a big winner in our house and has been for some time. This one works as a type of puzzle for kids too, so that is also a win.


Since maracas are egg-shaped I have included them. It’s never too early to start making music!

Not only do these eggs stack and nest within each other, they also work as money boxes. AND they have suggestions of what things to save money towards. So it’s a cool toy now and an even cooler way to teach about money in the future. I have actually been looking for something like this for my kids for a while now.


I always have to have a book category, because… well… books! Yes, total bookworm here. But given that reading to your kids is the best and almost only absolutely proven way to make all kids smarter, it seems a really great gift to give to small ones!

Here is a range of Easter themed books I thought looked good for littles.


And it seems appropriate to have some stories about Jesus for Easter too… so here were my favourites for that.

And this is a visual way to tell the Easter story with wee ones. My mom is an early childhood teacher and whenever she brings this out each year she has almost all children in the area enthralled! So this is an idea for those who like to buy something that will be a gift that is used for years to come… and even if it seems too advanced for them now, you will be surprised at how much they pick up!



If you have seen some of my other posts on here, you will know about my weakness for cute clothes for baby. If you haven’t seen them, then try this one to see what I mean!

Cute babies in cute outfits. Honestly, I just think there is just nothing not to like!

So here is a range that you might like too.

I hope this gives you a great starting point for filling candy-free Easter baskets for the baby or toddler in your life. I imagine that most parents will not mind if there are one or two small bits of candy that creep into the basket either. But having gifts that last beyond Easter is always appreciated. And some of these gifts will keep on being used by kids for some time. 

Enjoy your Easter!