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10 Funny Baby Shower Gifts

10 Funny Baby Shower Gifts
Funny baby shower gifts!

Are you looking forward to a baby shower? Maybe you’ve been invited to a friend’s and you have no idea what to bring?

Well… honestly… you probably SHOULDN’T bring one of these gifts… but they are pretty funny nonetheless!

These are great gift ideas for a baby sprinkle (for a second or third baby). 

If it’s for a first baby, you might want to combine one of these funny gifts with one that’s a little more useful… just sayin’!

Here goes:

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1. Mommy’s First Milestones – Wine Bottle Label Gift

Give the gift of wine… and laughs with this label set with milestones for the mom and dad to be. From the relatively serious to the hilarious, there’s a label for some of the most important post-baby milestones…

Note: wine not included. (doh!)

2. Funny Onesies

There are so many funny slogan onesies you could get… Here’s just a few for your laughs.


3. Required Reading – Go the F*ck to Sleep

Oh boy… where do I even start? Parents will get a kick out of this book, especially toddler parents… In fact, I think I need this book now…

4. The Bad Gift Box

This one’s crazy.

Just to make this clear… this is an EMPTY gift box. You should get something awesome to put inside it 😉

5. This one’s for Dad (or is it…?)

Who’s turn is it to change the diaper? Let’s spin the spinner and find out!


6. Bacon Teethers

Mmm… bacon. Is the mom-to-be a bacon lover? Start the little one off young with these bacon teethers. It’ll get them ready for solids and the real bacon later!

Or you might rather this Oreo lookalike…


7. Funny Pacifiers

There are endless opportunities for funny pacifiers… here’s some of my faves to make your little one look just ducky (pardon the pun). 

8. Adult Coloring Book – Snarky Style

Motherhood is tough… and while it may be hard to find the time to whip out an adult coloring book and get your self-care happening, this book is worth it. It’s funny, witty, and snarky and is sure to give you a laugh.



9. NES Controller – Teether

Are the new parents gamers? Or grew up in the retro gaming era? This is the perfect teether.



10. Buff Baby – Dumbbell Rattle

Start them young with this dumbbell rattle. The little one will be a gym junkie in no time.




Funny baby shower gift ideas - if you're looking for a prank or gag gift for a baby shower (recommended for close friends with a sense of humor only!), check out this list! From funny onesies and pacifiers to 'the crib dribbler', you'll definitely make an impression with these.