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Very Berry Lactation Smoothie – Breastfeeding Mom Favorite!

Very Berry Lactation Smoothie – Breastfeeding Mom Favorite!

Berry lactation smoothie for breastfeeding new moms.

We love lactation smoothie recipes! My favorite thing about smoothies is how versatile they are: feel like a sweet, creamy berry lactation smoothie? No problem! Feel like an icy, slushy-style tropical smoothie? You got it.

It gets even better, smoothies can easily be made:

  • low carb
  • vegan
  • nut-free
  • dairy-free
  • full of protein
  • sugar-free

You can also add in hidden vegetables, like baby spinach and kale for an extra nutritional boost. With protein powder or collagen powder added you’ll soon see that it’s a great way to get your nutrition when breastfeeding!

This is one of my favorite ways to give myself breakfast on the go – because I’m always running out of time before rushing off with my son at daycare. It usually takes me just 10 minutes from start-to-finish including prep (though sometimes we have more than enough leftover).

This smoothie is a super berry lactation smoothie – packed full of Vitamin C and antioxidants. It doesn’t skimp on flavor either 😉

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Can I Drink Lactation Smoothies While Pregnant?

Yes, you can drink lactation smoothies while pregnant.

Lactation smoothies can be a great way to support your health and make sure you’re getting lots of nutrients in. Especially when it’s difficult to eat full meals due to nausea or just running out of room for your stomach!

If you decide to make a lactation smoothie to drink while pregnant, just skip over the Brewer’s Yeast as it’s a tad bitter and you don’t really need it until you’re breastfeeding.

Equipment Needed to Make a Smoothie

A Vitamix or a Nutribullet is essential to whipping up a good lactation smoothie. I love being able to throw in whatever I want to my smoothie and have it work out – ice cubes, frozen fruit, a handful of nuts –  I personally use my Thermomix… so if you’ve got one of those you’re sorted!

I also have a cheaper, single-serve blender like this one which works out ok, so long as you aren’t trying to blend too many hard ingredients (or ice cubes).

What’s In My Very Berry Lactation Smoothie?

Frozen Berries – naturally sweet and cold (helps your smoothie come out a nice drinking temperature). Berries are also on the lower carb side of things if you’re counting, which also means they’re less likely to spike your blood sugar levels. Berries are also full of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Brewer’s Yeast (Debittered) – famous for it’s milk boosting properties, you can add Brewer’s Yeast into this smoothie once your baby has arrived. The best kind to get is this one, which has been ‘debittered’ to take some of the strong aftertaste away.

Rolled Oats – oats are another well-known food that helps to increase your milk supply and they’re also a fabulous addition to a smoothie, adding creaminess and helping to keep you full.

Add these delicious ingredients together (along with a few others) and the result is a thick, decadently creamy sweet smoothie with delicious raspberry flavor and a slight tropical tang from the pineapple. Dreamy.

Yield: Serves: 1

Berry Lactation Smoothie

berry smoothie on wooden serving board

Berry lactation smoothie recipe with milk boosting ingredients like oats, chia seeds, and Brewer's Yeast you'll love this thick and delicious berry smoothie for new moms.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 6 minutes


  • 1 - 1 1/2 cups unsweetened milk (your choice)
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 frozen banana (sliced prior to freezing)
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • ¼ cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds or chia seeds
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons Stevia (optional)
  • 1 handful of baby spinach (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon Brewer's Yeast (optional)


  1. Add all ingredients into your high speed blender.
  2. Mix on high for 1-2 minutes (this will depend on your blender.)
  3. Serve.


Use unsweetened vanilla almond milk for a touch of vanilla, or substitute coconut water for added electrolytes.

If you don't have almond butter and you do have a high powered blender, substitute a handful of whole almonds and they'll blitz up into the smoothie.

Optional Add-Ins for Your Berry Lactation Smoothie

  • Chia Seeds – chia seeds help make your smoothie thick and creamy, while also packing a nutritional punch. If you have time, let the chia seeds sit in the liquids for 10-30 minutes before blending to let them really start to thicken up. Chia seeds also contain Omega 3, protein, calcium, fiber and antioxidants.
  • Nut Butters (or whole nuts) – nut milks are an excellent choice for your smoothie liquid, however, it can get expensive buying cartons of specialty dairy-free milks. My cheaper alternative is to throw a handful of whole nuts into the smoothie and it blitzes up beautifully!
  • Flax Seeds – flax seeds are awesome in any smoothie and add their Omega 3’s and fibre to your drink without altering the flavor, it also works like a thickener. You can use ground flax seeds, LSA mix, or whole flax seeds.

More Reading on Breastfeeding and Milk Supply

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